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Conda users, please make sure to conda install pip before running any pip installation if you want to install bosonic-jax into your conda environment.

Install from PyPI

bosonic-jax will soon be published on PyPI. So, to install, simply run:

pip install bosonic-jax

To check if the installation was successful, run:

>>> import bosonic_jax as bcj

If pip installation doesn't work, please build from source, as detailed below.

Build from source

To build bosonic-jax from source, pip install using:

git clone
cd bosonic-jax
pip install --upgrade .

If you also want to download the dependencies needed to run optional tutorials, please use pip install --upgrade .[dev,docs] or pip install --upgrade '.[dev,docs]' (for zsh users).

Please Note: For now, you will also have to manually install the bosonic_jax dependency, to learn how to do so please visit:

Installation for Devs

If you intend to contribute to this project, please install bosonic-jax in develop mode as follows:

git clone
cd bosonic-jax
pip install -e .[dev,docs]

Please use pip install -e '.[dev,docs]' if you are a zsh user.

Installing the package in the usual non-editable mode would require a developer to upgrade their pip installation (i.e. run pip install --upgrade .) every time they update the package source code.

Please Note: For now, you will also have to manually install the bosonic_jax dependency, to learn how to do so please visit: